Thursday, August 27, 2009

Makes ya Wounder dosn't it?...

The last few days of my quiting has been slow but steady improvement, As far as smoking, No Problem! However the Healthy eating has been crazy hard.
Whats up with that?!
I was (up tell the day I quit) smoking a pack a day. Here is a Not so fun Fact: Tobacco smoke contains over 4,000 different chemicals. At least 50 are known carcinogens (cause cancer in humans) and many are poisonous. Not to mention Highly addictive! However fast food has been the hardest thing for me to quit. Makes ya wounder doesn't it?... What exactly are they putting in our food these days?
As for me I am taking it one step at a time, the big first steps I have decided to take is to cut out fast food for the most part.
Step two cut out Soda for the most part and replace it with a 100 oz of water a day.
I am a Diet coke lover so this has been hard for me, my body still craves the carbonation over water.
This brings us to physical exercise... Yeah so I'm just going to be honest not once have I pulled my butt out of the house to go at least walk!
I know it takes time to make healthy habits but this one has been hard for me its like once I get home I crash hard core.
I know alot of it is a mental thing but that's the hard part is changing my mental state from being, well the way I have been living life the last 3 years to being more active and healthy.

Here comes the weekend yay! Cant wait to sleep in But this weekend my biggest goal is to get out there and get active.

Time to fire up the Wii Fit!!! :)

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